Super Brackets
Steel Legs
- 12 & 14 gauge cold rolled steel
- Bracket size 8" x 8" x 6"
- Weight: approx. 10 lbs. per pair (brackets only)
- Includes 16 (1/4" x 2”) screws,4 (3/8" x 1”)
thumb screws, 4 protector plates
- Sold as one pair ( 2 brackets)
Makes one complete sawhorse
- 1 1/2 " X 1 1/2 " 065 Wall 14 Guage Square
Tubular Legs
- Large 2" x 2" Steel Footplates
- Bracket Size 23 1/2 " Wide (bottom), 6" Wide
(top), 33" Tall (working Height), Weight
Approx. 20 Lbs. Per Pair (sawhorse Legs Only)
- Includes (4) 3/8" x 1" Thumb Screws,
(4) Galvanized Protector Plates
Plates, (4) Self Adhesive Non-skid Rubber Pads.
- Use Common 2" x 6' Lumber (lumber Not Included
Reasonably Dry Or Kiln Dried Lumber Is Recommended)
- Load Tested And Certified Up To 4,000 Lbs. Per Set
- Sold As 1 Pair
- Two Separate Legs Make One Complete Sawhorse
Last Sawhorse Bracket
You'll Ever BUY!
Awesome Patented Design
U.S. Patent No. 8,807,498.